Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ramadan Mubarak

Ramadan will most probably be starting tomorrow for us, here in Pakistan. We will know in a cuople of hours whether the moon has been sighted or not.
This year Alhamdolillah, I feel I am better prepared than the last year. The groceries have been bought, laundry has been done. My daughter's Eid clothes are done. Shami kebabs, chicken cutlets etc have been made and frozen (which is a great deal, considering cooking is my least favorite job). Thanks to the recent house paint, my home is already de-cluttered and clean, mashaAllah. Now it is time for de-cluttering and cleaning  of the soul, inshaAllah.
I don't plan on knitting or  sewing this month, so the blog activity will be minimal, though I might do a post on my daughters Eid clothes and another when my pattern comes out.
May Allah make this blessed month beneficial for us all!


  1. Best wishes to you and your family in this special season!

  2. Ramadan Mubarak! Have a peaceful holiday!

  3. Wishing you and your family all of the blessings of the holy season, with the joys of family, friends and community.

  4. Have a wonderful holiday season.

  5. I wish you a calm and inspirational Ramadan.

  6. Hope it is beautiful & restful for you & the family we only have 3 weeks before we fly out to the UK so my mind could certainly use some decluttering !! not much chance of it till we are in the air...

  7. as salaamu `alaykum :)

    Ramadan greetings from Singapore! We are cutting back and making this a simple month - worship, trying to improve our character and of course study :) Not much in the way of crafts or printables here either! I hope you are well. I've told my friend in Isb about you - can we meet when I get back, in shaa Allah?

  8. Walaikom Assalaam Quidam, Good to know you got to Singapore safe and sound. Thanks for the SMS too. I tend to neglect my cellphone, so found it kind of late :). May you have a most wonderful Ramadan. InshaAllah, we can meet up later.

  9. Ramadan mubarek olsun!
