
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Anniversary Bag

This is the bag I completed last week. I wrote the pattern but it had a few charts and I do not know the anyother way to put them on my blog, so I did them by hand and took photos in good sunlight. I think these are fairly legible.
I named this bag thus because I started it in March on the day of our wedding anniversary. It took almost two months to finish, mostly because I did not have time to knit for a month or so. It has quite a variety of cable patterns and is suitable for knitters who have some experience of cable and working from a chart.

• Acrylic yarn, off-white, Sports weight
· Knitting needles 4 mm.
· Fabric and canvas for lining
· Zippers

Gauge: 10 sts x 10 rows = 2 inches in Furrows st

Size: 8(height) x 13.5(width) x 2.75(depth) inches

Pattern stitches and abbreviations:
Put next st on cable needle at back of the knitting, k next st, k st from the cable needle.
Furrows st pattern: ( Taken from Big Book of Knitting Stitch Patterns
by Inc. Sterling Publishing Co.)
Work with a multiple of 6 sts plus 3:
Row 1: P3, *k1, slip 1, k1, p3* : rep from *to* .
Row 2: Work as set.
Row 3: as row 1.
Row 4: as set.
Row 5: K4, *slip 1, k 5* ; repeat from * to*, ending last repeat with k4.
Row 6: as set.
Row 7: rep row 5.
Row 8: as set.
Repeat rows 1 through 8 for pattern.

Body (make 2):
Cast on 74 sts. One st on each end is an edge st, worked in garter st (i.e. knit in every row). Rest of the sts are worked following the three charts:
Row 1: K1, work 1st row of chart #1, then chart # 2, chart # 1, then Chart #3, Chart#1, chart # 2 and chart #1, k1.
Row 2: K1, work as set to the last st, k1.
Continue in pattern, following the three charts, until it measures inches from the start, ending with row 12 or 14 of chart #3.
Ribbing at the top:
Row 1: (K2, p2) rep to the end.
Row 2: Work as set.
Row 3: (C2b, p2), repeat to the end.
Row 4: Rep row 2.
Row 5: Rep row 1. Bind off in rib.

Sides and Bottom gussets:
Cast on 15 sts. Work in Furrows st until the piece is long enough to go around both sides and bottom, cast off.

Stitch together the three pieces and line as appropriate. I used double layer of fabric with canvas in between for a nice firm shape. Stitch a zipper along the top opening, pinching top ends of the gussets into a double fold and stitching it in place. (See pic)
Handles can be of your own choice. For handles, I used ww yarn in charcoal and made two I-cords ( 8 sts). Then, I passed a electrical cord (the kind used in electrical appliances) to make it sturdier and sewed them into place. Also, stitched a bead onto each end.
© copyright ummeyusuf , 2008 pattern is for personal, non-profit use only.


  1. What a beautiful bag! Thank you for the pattern!

  2. Congratulations to a lovely anniverary bag.Love the bubbles and the lovely other patterns on in a lovely combination.
    Ulla in the north of Sweden

  3. It's lovely! Thank you for sharing your patterns!

    send me an e-mail to msmorenna (at) gmail (dot) com and we can sort out sending you some spinning wool.

  4. Beautiful Handbag. You did a very nice job. Great pattern, thanks for sharing.

  5. Thanks for sharing, beautiful works..!! Greetings from México..

  6. Hello, I love your pattern, I am working on the sides now, the furrows pattern and have a question regarding row 2.I am not sure if I should knit or purl the slipped stitches. Also when u say slip 1 st., shall I do it purllwise or knittwise on the right side? Thank you for your guidance.

    1. Thank you for liking the pattern. As regards the furrows pattern, you will purl the slipped sts on the WS. And all sl sts are slipped purlwise.
