
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Haekelbeutel

The latest finished object off my hook is this haekelbeutel (which as I understand, means crocheted bag in german). I found this pattern in a friend's projects at ravelry and loved its shape and simplicity. The pattern can be found here. I used local cotton yarn, which I dyed myself. Initially I planned on using only plain and variegated green but it looked like I was to run a little short of both, so I added some natural as well. I still have to line it though, but just could not wait to post about it.The lime green color peeping through (as its not lined yet) is just my shawl, stuffed inside the bag for this photo shoot.

I still am working on may mystery socks, but took some time off them because I had to frog them a couple of times due to gauge issues. Next I'm also planning on doing some embroidery on one of my summer shirt. Nothing intricate, just some quick embellishment.
On another note, I was unable to view my blog or anyother blogspot blog for the last two days, because some exceptionally bright and intelligent authority in Pakistani goernment ordered the blanket order to block all blogspot sites. This is becoming a regular feature, happening every few months. However,thankfully it never lasts long.

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