
Monday, June 29, 2009

Another Cast-on And A Knitting Resolution

I was enabled by a friend recently to start a lace project KAL. So last night, I cast on 600 + stitches for the three cornered shawl in clover pattern (ravelry link). This brings the total of knitting WIPs to four, including 1 cardigan (CeCe) and three shawls (Clapotis, Gail and this latest project). Added to this, I had planned to join a spinning challenge this July.
As it is, I am pleasantly innundated with knitting, but I realize anymore would tip the balance and cause utter chaos in my world. So, I hereby resolve to hold myself back from casting on anymore projects, until I have finished at least two of these four, InshaAllah!
Now, off I go to do some seroius knitting :) How long do you think it will take me to finish two projects and which ones are getting done first? I myself do not know at this point.


  1. I'll hold you to it! I think that the clapotis will be last. Because it isn't that interesting. I suspect CeCe may be one of the 2 first FO's. Mostly, I am just thrilled you are knitting along with us!

  2. I have CeCe in my queue, too, and even know what yarn I would like to use. Yours is looking nice.

    I felt sort of bad starting two new projects yesterday, but feel virtuous that I WILL finish my in-progress things first, honest I will. Good luck with YOUR resolution!
