
Monday, July 7, 2008

My First Handspun

It took me a while (about ten days to be exact) but I have finally spun my first yarn. It was fun and enjoyable. Considreing the homemade spindle that I used and it being my first proper attempt, I am quite pleased with the results. And the flattering color also helps. This was the roving:

My single was a bit overspun but when I plied the yarn, it lost its extra spin. I suppose spinning with a wheel must be a lot faster. Also the spindle can hold only a limited amount of yarn. The final numbers.... 200 yards of 2-ply handspun.

I have limited spinning vocabulary so I hope I got all the terms right.


  1. It's beautiful! What lovely yarn. I can't wait to see what you make of it.

  2. I'm so proud of you.Your yarn seems to be so well done and really lovely.

    Have a nice creative time

  3. It is fantastic! Way way better than my first attempts. I think you might be a bit of a perfectionist, it looks way too good for a first spinning attempt.

    You've got your terms correct. Any idea what you might do with it?

  4. It's beautiful, especially for your first handspun! Spinning with a spindle is fun, but yes, a wheel is faster. Good luck with your progress!

  5. Wow! What a beautiful job! That looks lovely. Congratulations.
