
Saturday, July 5, 2008

My Blogoversary Contest

I have the first anniversary of my blog coming up. The past year was so much fun and I love blogging. It gives me the extra impetus to finish my projects and share my meagre designs. So going the well-trodden way, I have decided to celebrate my blogoversary with a small contest.
Just leave me a interesting comment on this post and I will add your name to the prize draw. The prize will be a handmade sockbag like the ones I showed in a previous post.(I'm sorry there is no exotic stuff). Also mention in your comment the fabric print that you like best. So if you win, you can have sockbag with that print.
The contest will close July 24th at 12 midnight PST (Pakistan Standard Time which is +6 hrs GMT , I believe). I will draw the name the next day inshallah. Looking forward to your comments!


  1. Happy Blogoversary. How exciting. I totally also love blogging. Find new and talent people. Love the sockbag so leaving a comment to enter your blog contest. Hope you had a great 4th of July Take care:)

  2. Happy Blogiversary!

    What cute bags! My fav is the bottom one (I've always loved tiny stripes with prints for some reason) but they are all gorgeous!

    JackieCastsOn Ravelry

  3. Hi, happy 'versary! I just noticed that the tutorial you used for the sock bags is by a friend in my knitting group. Small world, huh?

    I do like those blue roses. :)

    pamudom on Ravelry

  4. Thanks for your contest and for sharing all your amazing free patterns with us!

  5. Happy Blogiversary!
    I love the top bag - (and I also love the bottom one) - I'm easy!
    Shalom - teabird /ravelry

  6. Happy birthday to your blog.I'm so happy to follow your work and your design.I also get some pictures of the every day life in a country a long way from me.

    I'm so happy to have you as a penpal too.
    Ulla in Sweden

  7. Happy Blogiversary! I will just have to get in on this...I just adore the top one, the blue with flowers. The color combinations are smashing!

  8. Happy Blogiversary! Your sockbags are gorgeous - I likr all of them. I enjoy blogging too. Here's my contest entry.

  9. I love both the bags, very colorful. I myself prefer the pink one, as pink is my favorite color.

    I am linking your contest on my blog
    I have a contest running myself (feel free to come play there too the more the merrier)

    Contests just make me feel good,

    Happy blogaversary.

  10. Happy Blogiversary! Gorgeous bags!
    I love the pattern with the hearts.
    Kenyetta on Ravelry

  11. Happy Blogiversary!!!!!!

    Interesting comment. I'm all tapped out on interesting. The kids are home all summer long and I have to save interesting for them. They out nimber me 5 to 1. If you don't keep kids moving and interested they can tend to get on your nerves and that makes for a VERY LONG summer. So I'm all interest comment out but I love the contest. Hope you get a lot of comments :)

  12. Happy blog day to you. I love all your bags, Just beautiful. Please enter me in your contest.

  13. Happy Blogoversary!

    I love all of your sock bags, whomever wins will be one lucky duck!!!

    I love red, so anything with red!



    CastratedBean on Raverly

  14. Happy Blogoversary!

    Love the bags! Escpially the first two.

    I also love blog contests. Hope you hold many more in the future and that you have a wonderful day!

    KJo on Ravelry

  15. Congrats on your first blog anniversary. I hope many more will follow...

  16. happy blogiversary!!! isn't it interesting to see how far you've come??
    Hmmm, interesting comment...the cat caught something this evening under the blackberry bushes. We heard it squeaking but cannot be sure of what it was, but she did keep licking her lips. (hows that! smile) I absolutely love the blue with the colorful flowers! so retro cool, hopefully year two will be even better than this last!

  17. Happy blogiversary! I like the print on the top bag best.

    I'm not sure what to add to make this comment interesting, as I haven't been doing anything especially interesting lately. I planted some more things in the garden this morning (fall crops of chard, kale, lettuce, and carrots), and I hope to have time for some knitting this afternoon.

  18. Happy blogiversary! It's amazing where blogging can take you in a year, eh? Your sock bags are very fun and creative--consider this my entry into the drawing!!!

  19. I love your color choices for these bags! I am never able to combine fabrics like that successfully.
    ilovemath on Ravelry

  20. How lovely. I would enjoy anything you would create. Jill S

  21. Yay blogging! I've gone through a few blogs over the years--just opened up a new one a month ago at

    and it would be nice to have some visitors! ::winkwink::

    I love the bags, by the way, especially the blue rose bag. Your sewing is wonderful!

    Cerebelle aka Tricoteuse on Ravelry

  22. Just discovered your blog trough Ravelry random looking, and I must say that I love it :) Happy bloganniversary and surely I love your sock bag, would to have a sewing machine myself to get plenty of those !


  23. Happy Blogaversary!!

    I love the accessory pouch with the first bag- room for circs and dpns!! But I was going through some of your other patterns, and I really really like your crocheted Moccasins - they're super cute.
    I am amazed and impressed with your sewing and knitting/crocheting skills. Maybe I should post on RAK that I want one of your bags.. he hee!!

  24. Happy Blogiversary! Your sock bags are adorable, and how nice of you to make them for RAK! I'm in love with the first one with the little cartoon flowers - <3 !

  25. Happy Blogoversary!
    Thank you for sharing your inspiring patterns, and also for having this contest :)
    I think all three bags are lovely, and the top one (the blue with multi-coloured flowers) is my favorite.

  26. Happy Blogiversary! What cute bags! I think my favorite one is the blue rose print, but really, they are all lovely.

  27. Hi and Happy Blogoversary!! Your bags are lovely - I especially like the first print. I'm so glad to have found you through Ravelry!

  28. Happy Blogiversary! And wish you many more .I've always enjoyed your blog and find your designs very pretty. You are very creative and I quite like your sewing projects too.
    Interesting ...hmm..the only thing really intertesting was my visit to Salalah ( in Oman ) last week . It's a gorgeous place with a lot of Islamic history - so many prophets have left their mark there , it's so beautiful - thoroughly enjoyed it. Even got a little Frankincense plant for my home.

  29. Who needs "exotic" with those beautiful bags. How generous! Happy Blogaversary!! I love browns, greens, oranges. I'm sure anything you'd pick would be as lovely as the ones I've seen. Thanks!

  30. Wow you're in Pakistan! I think it's so cool how there are people from almost everywhere in Ravelry. I looked around your blog, you do some amazing work! I saw your blog contest on ravelry. I like the pink bag, but they are all so beautiful!

    ria - tonyfan20 on ravelry

  31. Happy 1st Blogiversary to you!!
    I love the first and last fabrics! You are so talented.
    Hugs Patt

  32. happy blogiversary!

    the bags are so cute! i am an addicted sockknitter so would be thrilled to win one of these.

    i can't decide if i like the red hearts or the blue roses better. they are both beautiful!
