
Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Few Sock Bags

I made these early in June for RAK (Random Acts of Kindness) at the RAK group , ravelry. The first one had a accessories pouch with it, others went solo. These are made from 100% cotton (Pakistani, of course) with coordinated lining and interfacing in between. This tutorial was very helpful, though I added tags on both ends of the zipper for easy opening and closure.

I have some fabric leftover for three more. So I was thinking.....hmmm... maybe a few more RAK or a blog contest!!??

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Thread Crochet Lace Gloves

I had started this pair of gloves in 2000 but after completing the first, I was hit with the second glove syndrome and the WIP(work in progress) went into hibernation. Finally, I got these out this year and listed as WIP on my raverly projects. Seeing these day in and day out, gave me the required motivation and I finally finished them.

The pattern is from a burda crochet lace magazine. I did it in simple black sewing thread with 0.6mm hook. The black color and it being thread, made this project a little hard for the eyes. However I still love the patten as much as I did seven years ago.

If I remember correctly, I had also started a pair in white. I will have to finish that as well if and when I find it.

As for spinning news, I am almost halfway through the roving and loving it.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thank You, Ulla

Look what I got in mail today from my penpal Ulla from north of Sweden. Reading my exploit about spinning cotton, she has sent me BFL roving in such nice colorway. Also look at the pretty drawstring bag the roving was in. Also in the package were her usual letter as well as a Birthday card for me. (I have my birthday on 30th June). Thank you so much, Ulla.

I have already started spinning with this roving and after the cotton experience, I am finding it a breeze. Loving the process, only my husband seemed a little grumpy at first but thankfully there is a Pakistan-India cricket match to keep him amused. I will post pictures when I am done with the spinning.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

May Mystery Socks

As I posted last month, I had started these last month as part of Sockdown May at SKA group at ravelry. I had to frog them twice, first time due to guage problems and the secound time due to some tricky part in the pattern. As a result, it got a bit boring and that's why it took so long. I did the alternative chart (shorter) for the cuff but made it multicolored instead of monchrome.

I ran out of lighter green in the final chart of second sock, so I had to substitute with another yarn. You can see the different yarn in the picture. These socks turned out quite good in the end. And along the way, I tried my hand at magic loop a.k.a. one sock on one circular needle and loved it. No more DPNs for sock knitting for me!
I plan to give them to my mom who has refused to try them on for now (too hot).

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Crocheted Mocassin- Pattern now available for free

I put this pattern in my ravelry store as my first sale pattern, a few months ago. I had a great response and some people bought the pattern in the 15 days that it was up. However, I had some problems with paypal, primarily because paypal is not available here in Pakistan, so I had to seek help of some overseas relatives. However, some hitches developed with the account verification etc. So I have now abandoned the idea of sale and am making the pattern available for free. I am so thankful to those who bought this and would have refunded their money but paypal has frozen the account. The link to free pattern is in the original post.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Quick Summer Hat

With her head shaved at the moment, my daughter was more than ever in need of a hat, esp when out in the sun. So I crocheted up this quickie in one evening.The yarn is cotton (Peaches and Creme).

Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Littlest Pest

Whenever I get my craft things out, my dd is attracted to them like a bee to flowers. But she now knows from experience that she will not be allowed to play with them, so she has perfected a stealth mode.

The other day, I was sewing some stuff. My sewing box and its contents were besides me on my work table. The little darling was going round the table, apparently busy playing with herself. So I thought, but she ever so slowly, zeroed in on the work table and took away my pincushion, successfully avoiding detection. To be more sure of not being caught, she crept into her toys' cupboard, camoflauging herself among the toys. Here I found her a few minutes later:

Friday, June 13, 2008

A Jar Lid Cover

I made this last month for a penpal. She received it a couple of days ago. When it comes to thread crochet, I have noticed that I tend to use bright colors although i later wonder if the project would have looked better in soft pastels. However as I had coordinating beads in the same colors, I stuck to brights , and Ulla seems to like it.

I took this picture before putting it in mail. Not the best one. The model in question is my jar of garlic paste.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Week's update

I did not get much knitting or crochet done this week because I was busy with a little bit of sewing. I am doing a few projects for RAK(random Acts of kindness group at ravelry). I can not go into the details or show pictures until the recepients get their RAKs.
Also I did a bit of embroidery on my shirt. Here is the neckline. I still have to do one sleeve and then sew up the shirt.

Afterwards I plan to embark on some knitting though I sometimes feel it is too hot and sweaty to be handling yarn.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Haekelbeutel

The latest finished object off my hook is this haekelbeutel (which as I understand, means crocheted bag in german). I found this pattern in a friend's projects at ravelry and loved its shape and simplicity. The pattern can be found here. I used local cotton yarn, which I dyed myself. Initially I planned on using only plain and variegated green but it looked like I was to run a little short of both, so I added some natural as well. I still have to line it though, but just could not wait to post about it.The lime green color peeping through (as its not lined yet) is just my shawl, stuffed inside the bag for this photo shoot.

I still am working on may mystery socks, but took some time off them because I had to frog them a couple of times due to gauge issues. Next I'm also planning on doing some embroidery on one of my summer shirt. Nothing intricate, just some quick embellishment.
On another note, I was unable to view my blog or anyother blogspot blog for the last two days, because some exceptionally bright and intelligent authority in Pakistani goernment ordered the blanket order to block all blogspot sites. This is becoming a regular feature, happening every few months. However,thankfully it never lasts long.