
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thank You, Ulla

Look what I got in mail today from my penpal Ulla from north of Sweden. Reading my exploit about spinning cotton, she has sent me BFL roving in such nice colorway. Also look at the pretty drawstring bag the roving was in. Also in the package were her usual letter as well as a Birthday card for me. (I have my birthday on 30th June). Thank you so much, Ulla.

I have already started spinning with this roving and after the cotton experience, I am finding it a breeze. Loving the process, only my husband seemed a little grumpy at first but thankfully there is a Pakistan-India cricket match to keep him amused. I will post pictures when I am done with the spinning.

1 comment:

  1. That is going to be gorgeous all spun up! I am eager to see it.
