
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Anniversary Bag

This is the bag I completed last week. I wrote the pattern but it had a few charts and I do not know the anyother way to put them on my blog, so I did them by hand and took photos in good sunlight. I think these are fairly legible.
I named this bag thus because I started it in March on the day of our wedding anniversary. It took almost two months to finish, mostly because I did not have time to knit for a month or so. It has quite a variety of cable patterns and is suitable for knitters who have some experience of cable and working from a chart.

• Acrylic yarn, off-white, Sports weight
· Knitting needles 4 mm.
· Fabric and canvas for lining
· Zippers

Gauge: 10 sts x 10 rows = 2 inches in Furrows st

Size: 8(height) x 13.5(width) x 2.75(depth) inches

Pattern stitches and abbreviations:
Put next st on cable needle at back of the knitting, k next st, k st from the cable needle.
Furrows st pattern: ( Taken from Big Book of Knitting Stitch Patterns
by Inc. Sterling Publishing Co.)
Work with a multiple of 6 sts plus 3:
Row 1: P3, *k1, slip 1, k1, p3* : rep from *to* .
Row 2: Work as set.
Row 3: as row 1.
Row 4: as set.
Row 5: K4, *slip 1, k 5* ; repeat from * to*, ending last repeat with k4.
Row 6: as set.
Row 7: rep row 5.
Row 8: as set.
Repeat rows 1 through 8 for pattern.

Body (make 2):
Cast on 74 sts. One st on each end is an edge st, worked in garter st (i.e. knit in every row). Rest of the sts are worked following the three charts:
Row 1: K1, work 1st row of chart #1, then chart # 2, chart # 1, then Chart #3, Chart#1, chart # 2 and chart #1, k1.
Row 2: K1, work as set to the last st, k1.
Continue in pattern, following the three charts, until it measures inches from the start, ending with row 12 or 14 of chart #3.
Ribbing at the top:
Row 1: (K2, p2) rep to the end.
Row 2: Work as set.
Row 3: (C2b, p2), repeat to the end.
Row 4: Rep row 2.
Row 5: Rep row 1. Bind off in rib.

Sides and Bottom gussets:
Cast on 15 sts. Work in Furrows st until the piece is long enough to go around both sides and bottom, cast off.

Stitch together the three pieces and line as appropriate. I used double layer of fabric with canvas in between for a nice firm shape. Stitch a zipper along the top opening, pinching top ends of the gussets into a double fold and stitching it in place. (See pic)
Handles can be of your own choice. For handles, I used ww yarn in charcoal and made two I-cords ( 8 sts). Then, I passed a electrical cord (the kind used in electrical appliances) to make it sturdier and sewed them into place. Also, stitched a bead onto each end.
© copyright ummeyusuf , 2008 pattern is for personal, non-profit use only.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

It's a scarf

As I mentioned in a previous post, I originally started knitting a stole with this yarn but as I had only one skein, it would not have been enough for a stole. So, I frogged the first CO and knit Branching Out scarf instead.
The yarn is Louet Kidlin lace wt. The pattern is fun and easy. No wonder there are more than 2000 projects listed for this pattern at ravelry. The yarn is also beautiful to knit with. I made it as long as I could (77 inches)using the full skein(250 yards). We wear long stoles(dupattas) in routine which are about 2.5 metres long, so anything short feels a bit weird. I would have liked it to be a bit wider but here again, not enough yarn. However it's lovely the way it is.
In other WIP news, I have finished the handbag I was working on. Now I am thinking of writing the pattern. I will post it when the pattern is done, inshallah.

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Start (....and End??) of Spinning

As though my hands were not full enough with knitting and crochet and some sewing on the side, I decided to venture into the new and scary world of spinning. I had been seeing all the wonderful handspun yarns on the net and wanting to try some myself, for a few months. But I had /have a few problems.
In my part of the world, knitting or crochet as hobbies is very rare. I have never physically met anyone of may age or younger who knits or crochet (Thank God for the net!), however people do recognize these crafts. On the other hand, spinning is almost extinct, belonging only in the folk art museums. Similarly, wool is also not avilable. As a result that I can get none of the required spinning supplies over here.
But still I could not resist looking into the spinning groups at ravelry and the spinning turorial links. That spurred me on to make a spindle myself. Even my ever(almost)-patient husband was forced to roll his eyes and wonder out loud what I was up to. However he helped me with the making of the hook and thus came into exsistence a DIY spindle.

Next, as I had no wool roving, I decided to try with cotton. Cotton fibre is so small and fragile, I expect it is much harder to spin than wool. However with repeated trial and error, I did get the knack of it. I managed to spin about 16 metres of singles. Some I dyed after spining, other before.

My spindle as well as my stamina are worn out. Spinning cotton is much too tedious. So I have stored away these remains of my spinning adventure, until such time when/if I get some wool fibre to play with. This spinning episode took most of my two evenings and although I did not come up with any useable yarn, I did get a hang of spinning and it was fun!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Cricket Pullover

I finished this pullover for my son in February, but was a bit slow in writing out the pattern. Here it is now, done and complete. I wanted something a little more grown up for my son, something more on the boyish side rather than the usual baby styles.It looks a lot like the kind of pullovers cricketers wear. Being in a cricket-crazy part of the world with my husband being a huge fan of the game, the most likely name to come to my mind was Cricket pullover.

Last Edit: November 13, 2012

Material:- Any Dk weight yarn or yarn that gets the right gauge (100%) dark green (MC)... approx 250gm, and 50gms each of pistachio green (CC2) and off-white (CC1).
- One pair each of straight needles size 3.50 mm and 4.00 mm and circular needles size 3.50 mm.
- Tapestry needle

Size:3 (4-5, 6-7) years

Finished measurements:

Chest: 26 (28, 30) inches
Length: 16 (18, 20) inches
Sleeve length: 11.25 (12.5, 14) inches

Tension:11 sts x 15 rows = 2 inches in st st with larger needles.

Abbreviations:CC: contrasting color.
ccb2: pass the next two sts onto the cable needle and hold at the back of the work, K the next 2 sts, k2 from the cable needle. (with practice, this cable can be done without a cable needle.
ssp: sl st purlwise.
PM: place marker.
M: marker.
MC: main color

Cable Pattern : (multiple of 12 sts)
Row 1 (RS): (K4, p2) repeat to the end.
Row 2 and all even no. rows (WS): work as set.
Row 3: (K4, p2, ccb2, p2), repeat to the end.
Row 4: as row 2.
Row 5: repeat row 1.
Row 6: as row 2.
These 6 rows make up the pattern.

With 3.5 mm straight needles and Dark green (MC), cast on 72,(78, 84) sts. Work in k 2, p 2 rib for 16 rows.
Change to 4.00mm needles and off-white (CC1), work 4 rows in st st (starting with a k row) then join Pistachio green (CC2) and work 4 rows of st st in this color. Fasten off this yarn. Then with CC1, work another 4 rows in st st, increasing 6 (6, 8) sts evenly distributed across in the last row. [78 (84, 92) sts] Fasten off CC1 and continue in main color as follows:
Row 1: K.
Row 2: P
Row 3: K 1 (0, 2), work row 1 of the cable pattern 6 (7, 7) times, k 5 (0, 6).
Row 4: P 5 (0, 6), work row 2 of the cable pattern 6 (7, 7) times, p 1 (0, 2).
Continue in pattern as set until the piece measures 15.5 (17.5, 19.5) inches from the start, ending with a WS row.
Next row (RS): Work 35 (37, 41) sts in etablished pattern, cast off the next 8 (10, 10) sts, continue in pattern till the end of the row. Joining yarn to the right half, work both halves simultaneously as follows:
Next row (WS): Work as set. Next 2 rows: Cast off 5 (6, 7) sts at the neck margin on both sides.[ 30( 31, 34)] sts on both sides. Next 2 rows: Cast off 5 (5, 6) sts over the next two rows.[25 (26, 28)] sts on both halves). Work 2 more rows. Bind off.

FRONT:Work as for back until the piece measures 9.5 (11, 12.5) inches, ending with a WS row.
Neck Shaping:Next row (RS): Continuing in pattern, work till the 2 centre sts, cast these off, work to the end.
Join another ball of yarn and work both sides simultaneously.
Next row (WS): Work as set.
Dec 1 st at the neck margin on both sides in the next row and then in every alternate row, a total of 13 (15, 17) times. [52 (26, 28) sts remain]
Continue in pattern until the front matches back in length, bind off.

SLEEVES (make 2):
With 3.5 mm straight needles and Dark green (MC), cast on 38 (42, 46) sts. Work in k2, p2 rib for 16 rows.
Change to 4.00mm needles and off-white (CC1), work 4 rows in st st (starting with a k row) then join Pistachio green (CC2) and work 4 rows of st st in this color. Fasten off this yarn. Then with CC1, work another 4 rows in st st, increasing 4 sts evenly distributed across in the last row.[42 (46, 50 sts)]. Fasten off CC1 and continue in main color as follows:
Row 1: K.
Row 2: P
Row 2:  K1 (3, 0), work row 1 of the cable pattern 3 (3, 4) times, k 5 (7 , 2). Continue in pattern as set, increasing 1 st at both ends of every 4 ( 4, 5)th row, 17 times. [76, (80, 80 sts)]. Note: work the increased sts in st st. Continue in pattern until the piece measures 11.25 (12.5, 14) inches from the start, ending with a WS row, bind off.

Join right shoulder seam. With 3.5 mm circular needles and CC1 (RS facing), join yarn, pick up and knit 41(43, 45) stitches down the left neck front, PM (place marker), K1 at the front center, PM, pick up and knit 42(44,46) sts across the right neck front and 30 sts across the back. [114(118, 122) sts]
Row 2 (WS): P till 2 sts before the marker, p2tog, sk marker, p1, sk marker, ssp (slip st purlwise), p to the end.
Row 3: K till 2 sts before marker, ssk, M(marker), k1, M, k2tog, k to end.
Repeat rows 1 and 2 three times (i.e. 6 more rows), working initial three rows in CC2 and the last three rows in CC1 again.
Join MC and repeat row 2 once, then work in k2,p2 rib for 5 rows, working decreases before the 2 markers as before (k center st on RS and p on WS). Bind off loosely in rib.

Sew together the left shoulder seam and the sleeves and side seams. Weave in the loose ends.

© copyright ummeyusuf , 2008
This pattern is for personal, non-profit use only.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Tagged again!

I was tagged yesterday by Candy. Well I was tagged once before a few months back .... well I don't know what seven more things to tell about myself and as I also don't know that many bloggers, I think I'll pass this time. Thanks however, Candy.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

My current projects

I seem to have started a number of projects simultaneously with still more ideas swimming around in my head. As a result I have no FO but am rather making slow progress on all. So for a change, I will be showing pictures of WIPs.
The first one is the Sockdown:May Mystery sock of the Sock Knitters Anonymous group at ravelry. I just finished the clue#2 on the first sock. There was another color repeat (off-white) but that would make the sock to long at my gauge so I skipped it. Clue #3 comes out on May 15 ( which will actually be May 16 for me because of the time difference). I may start on the second sock in the meantime.

The second project is a handbag which I started in March. It is all done except for the lining and handles. I am thinking of knitting the handles and I am not yet sure how these will turn out.

Then I started on a stole. This is a first for me and I am not sure if I have enough yarn. I may frog it yet.

Besides these, there are a few lingering projects as well like the Brea bag from last year which only needs finishing up. Also I have to proofread the pattern for the toddler pullover that I knitted
in february before I post it on the blog. So you can see, I have busy times ahead.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

RAK fingerless gloves

Now that CrochetCupcake from RAK gorup at ravelry has received her package, I feel free to post a pciture of the gloves I made for her. I made these last month, took about three weeks to reach her in the US.

The yarn was 100% wool, a now discontinued local brand in natural color. I dyed it myself. This was my first experience with wool and the result was quite nice. The pattern was of Shawnee's own choice. I just modified the thumb gusset, starting the increases early and increasing on every third round.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A few birds at the zoo

We took the kids to the Islamabd zoo over the weekend. It was a very enjoyable trip with nice weather and it was fun seeing all the animals. Here I share with you a few birds that we saw.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Some Summer Sewing

I have not done much knitting and crocheting over the last week because firstly, I felt the weather was too hot to handle yarn, and secondly, I was caught up in sewing some dresses for my little daughter. Here are the sewing FOs:
This is from a burda magazine. I have made a few of the patterns and I love their ease and fit.

This second on is my first real attempt at smocking. I made up the pattern along the way. I think it is good enough for a first attempt.

I designed this last one myself and tried it on a few scraps of fabric I had lying around. I did a little embroidery on the shorts.

I may sew a few more things over the summer like a pair of short for my ds, a shalwar kameez for myself and new blinds and dishcloths etc for my kitchen.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Spring Bloomers and a Satire

Here are some more spring beauties from our home.

Aren't these lovely. It is so pleasant and enjoyable to see the flowers all around at this time of year. However, here in Islamabad, temperature is climbing fast and already it can be very hot in the afternoons. So the summer is upon us.

Although it is not new to us, Electricity shortage has worsened over the past few months so that we have "load shedding" scheduled for one hour every three hours around the clock. For the lucky those who do not know what load shedding means, it is power outage. So we have an average of six hour without electricity each day.

But we do not worry much about that bcause there are a few more pressing problems. Like the flour crisis. There has also been a subacute shortage of wheat flour over the past few months. It is our staple diet and so the people all over the country are suffering. There is also water shortage. The oil prices are going up and so is inflation. Plus our political uncertainity is at its peak with the elected government backing down from its given mandate.

But the flowers still bloom, stars still shine and for us Pakistanis, it's all in a day's work.