
Sunday, March 17, 2019

Stashbuster Spirals III

There have been a number of pairs of handknitted socks sitting in my mending bag for a very long time. Most of them were badly damaged and I postponed dealing with them for as long as I could. But spring brings with it an urge to spring clean and in an attempt to tidy up my craft space, I decided to sort them out. I frogged four pairs of socks, mostly dicarding the foot portions and salvaging the yarn from leg portions of the sock. I decided to reknit them. I got two pairs out of it.
This is the first one. It is the third time I have knit the pattern. It is just a very good wzy to knit up leftover/ oddball yarns into a beautiful pair of socks.
These turned out pretty good. I was a but worried how the socks would hold up but I have worn them for a few days and they are doing fine.
I am almost done with the second pair too, and will show you in the next post.

P.S. The pattern is no longer published on the internet, but there is a internet archive link in the comment section of the ravelry pattern page that will take you to it.


  1. My need-to-be-mended socks are in a basket, where I try not to see them because there are quite a few now! I've even found the original leftover yarn for some of them, so I can try to darn them in the same yarn they were knitted with. I have this image of me sitting in a cozy armchair, darning away with the cats sleeping nearby. Maybe what's holding me back is that I don't have a cozy armchair...couldn't just be that I'm lazy, could it? Well, hopefully I will be inspired by your example, which is brilliant - salvaging the yarn from the good parts and remaking into new socks! If my darning skills turn out not to exist, I'll take your approach instead.

  2. I know you may not see this - it's been such a long time! - but I was thinking of you today and wanted to say Eid Mubarak. I hope you and your family are well and marking the end of Ramadan this weekend with the blessings of joy and peace.

    1. Thank you so much for thinking of me and your good wishes. I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Yes, it has been such a long time. I have let the blogs slide as I keep busy with other stuff but may return one day.
