
Friday, March 14, 2014

Looking For Suggestions

I know I have been neglecting this blog for some time and I am sorry about that. What with a new baby, two rounds of flu which escalated to something worse for our youngest two, the annual exams of the older kids, life has been an ongoing series of hectic. That did not leave much time for knitting or blogging. Things are still pretty busy but the final exams are over at last and we are recovering from our latest colds, so the things are looking up. Hopefully I will be able to blog more frequently. The cardigan I am working at ought to be done soon and I am planning on some spring sewing soon. So I will have some stuff to blog about. However I am looking for blogging ideas in addition to my usual knitting and sewing projects. Are there any particular topics my readers would like? I would love to have some input/suggestions.


  1. I have missed your posts, but thought a new baby might be requiring quite a bit of your time. ;)
    Sorry you have been unwell, and very glad your family is getting back to feeling fit and healthy again...must be awfully hard when little ones are ill.
    I will enjoy whatever you choose to blog about, whenever you have the time and inclination, so I am no help in the suggestion department...take care!

  2. Hello! I really enjoy your knitting and craft posts. Do you have any other hobbies? I love to garden and bake as well, and would love to read about any projects you have in those areas! Take care and congrats on the newest family member :)
