
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Spring-inspired Embroidery

 Recently, I was bitten by the embroidery bug and embroidered this for my older daughter's dress.

 It was so much fun and I had a hard time putting it down. I got it done in two days, and clearly I had not had enough, because I started a similar one for my toddler. That too was done in two days. Now, all that is left is the sewing of the dress ( I finished sewing the first dress). Sadly, it has been put on hold by a respiratory tract infection that I have contracted. Can not wait to be fever free and resume the sewing.


  1. This is really beautiful, did you do it free hand or use a design?

    1. I copied it off a design I saw online, pinned here:

  2. This is so beautiful! I love all your knitting, but I love even more the fiber arts that you do which I cannot. I hope that you are feeling better soon!

  3. Wish you a good health.Nice to see the embroidery.A perfect combination on clothes.I'm following an embroidery course now and we have been playing with black on white or white on off-white.Love it.Hopefully I'm also using embroidery on clothes after the course which ends in november 2103

  4. Very Pretty! We are on similar paths, I have been doing a bit of embroidery too! Wonderful Idea!

  5. It's beautiful! I would have loved to have a dress like this when I was a girl.
