
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

More Spring Dresses

I completed three more dresses to add to my toddler's spring-summer wardrobe. The first one was the simplest one, for which I used this tutorial. However, I was quite disappointed with the result. Just do not like the style and look of it in real life. Plus, the dull color does nothing to flatter it.
The second one was quite the opposite. I was quite uncertain about it initially, but it came out much nicer than expected. No pattern for it, per se, just put together some ideas that I had. I love this one, the color and the scallops, the pink piping and all.
No pattern again for the last one. I have memories of a orange dress with a pocket, that I had as a child. I loved that pocket, even though it was far too down to reach into, with ease. When I got this fabric, I knew it had to have a front pocket, or two!
I guess this winds up my sewing for my littlest one, this season. I am hoping to do some embroidery project in the coming days. And maybe something for my older daughter. Also I should get back to the knitting, but frankly do not have any motivation and inspiration at the moment.


  1. I love them all. The pink one is my favorite, it looks small and girly and yet elegant. I see what you are saying about the first one completely, but it still looks great on the hanger!

    I had a dress my mom made me when I was a child with a baby buggy pocket on the chest. In it she put an itty bitty baby doll. I remember it very well!

  2. I love the petal edge on the pink one, but I think the first one looks cute, too.
    And of course pockets are a delight of childhood...and for some of us, pockets are always a plus!

  3. Thank you for your lovely congratulations.Looking forward hear from you.
