
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Month O'Socks: Rainbow Socks a.k.a Short Row Socks

My second pair of socks for this month is now complete. I am not sure about the colors on this one and am not sure what possessed me to buy it in the first place, but the pattern was so much fun. I enjoyed the short rows even more than I expected and they seemed to knit up quite fast too.
The yarn is Knit Picks Felici fingering weight. The colorway (Too Cool) might be dubious but the yarn itself is soft and cushy.

   Next for the Month O'Socks, some mending and/or upcycling might be in order, as I have a growing pile of socks with holes. Also,with my kids' final exams starting in a few days, I am unlikely to have much knitting time.

1 comment:

  1. They came out really well, and look like a cozy fit!

    Both my pairs of thick boot socks suddenly have holes in the heels, so I'll be spending some time mending, too.
