
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Rose Trellis Shawl

It is knit, blocked and photographed. In the end, I did not have enough yarn in the end for an elaborate edging so I did a simple garter st border with a (k2tog, yo) row in the middle, for both ends. It turned out quite respectably proportioned at 27 X 81 inches, blocked. I am very happy with it, looks prettier than I had hoped. Now, on to look for a new project.


  1. This did indeed turn out very lovely. You will enjoy using it.

  2. I just stumbled upon your blog, and fell in love with this stole! I would love to make it, but the group I need to join to get the pattern isn't responding to my request to join. Do you have any idea where I can find this pattern outside of that group?
