
Thursday, March 18, 2010

New WIPs

A bit unusual for me, I am currently working on multiple projects simultaneously. And as a result, going is slow on all of them. So let me show you the WIPs (works in progress). Besides the clapotis, I am knitting another pair of socks. This one is the Monkey in Heirloom Jigsaw. This is my second monkey pair and I find them to be the most comfy pattern of all that I knit so far. I finished the first sock of the current pair yesterday.
The next WIP is a cotton top for my daughter. It is my own design in Rowan Cotton Glace. This has had its share of ripping, then re-knitting and ripping back, as I attempt to improve the design.
The next WIP is another of my designs...I am attempting an adult version of Sunburst Coat. It is still in the early part of the yoke.
Then another WIP, a set of placemats for our new dining table. I am trying to work out a pattern and size to make four placemats out of four balls of Peaches and creme (two yellow and two red).
That concludes the works on my needle but we have one other, bigger work in progress at our house. An entire floor is getting new floors, bathrooms, kitchen etc and almost one and a half months into the job, we are still looking at several more weeks of construction, sigh.


  1. Sallams,

    Your projects are coming along. I'm like yourself too, in that I don't like multiple(if I can help it) projects going. Maybe your just under extra stress from the renovations in your house and need all the distraction you can get???

    Well, patience my dear, won't be long and you'll be very happy with the outcome. I just went through the same thing, stress and all, but was very happy with our renovations of our home.

    take care.


  2. Wow you have been busy we have to do all our flooring maybe next year after our trip not looking forward to it have no idea where to put everything while its being done & the mess!! ....I might go on holiday & leave husband home to cope with it all :)
