
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Eid and More

For me relaxation comes in the form of knitting and I worked some on my new cast-ons. The first one is a wimple/smoke ring I am knitting for myself. It is a nice, easy lace pattern
without being too lacy. So I am hoping it will serve as a good inhouse headcovering.

The second one is going to be a glitzy pullover for my daughter. My own design of course. I have had some Moda Dea Tutu in my stash. It is shiny and it is pink, so what better use for it than a little girl's sweater.


  1. She is going to love it! And also, why does Yusuf look like a teen already? That is one handsome kid.

  2. Pink + shiney = little girl happiness!

  3. Hey thought I should drop in & say Hi havent done much crafy wise for a while here no finishes for november :( sewed tonight for 3 hrs trying to finish a baby quilt as baby was born today!! love the knitting you have been doing that spiderman afghan is awesome no wonder the littles love it....hope you are all well over there & that the weather is cooling down we had 8 days of 100 & over & my air con broke!! I spent a lot of time sitting in the bath!! but got a new one now so I am happy...will try not to leave it this long before visiting time just seems to fly....working hard to save up to go to Wales next year as my daughter is getting married so we are all going.....keep well & happy knitting Claire

  4. I love the blue yarn. I hope the project comes out exactly as you would like it.
