
Friday, November 13, 2009


After a long break from sock knitting, I finally cast on for a new pair of socks. The slip st pattern, Aquaphobia is very simple and addictive. The yarn (Soft Socks Yarn from Sunshine Yarns) is a gift from a friend. I am enjoying how its colors are lining up in the pattern.I will be entering the pair in the SKA November sockdown.


  1. I'm sure they'll look great! I love the colours!

  2. Hello from Ulla

    Nice socks you do.Love the soft girly colours.It reminds me that I saw the mystery for November ,Miss Marple,but I don't know if I get the time to knit them now.I started to knit in selfvarigated yarn socks without any patterns so I make them ready and maybee in January I get more time.
    Good luck with the knitting

  3. Very pretty colors and I agree, the pattern of the thread is looking quite lovely.
