
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Cable Top

With our household in the throes of gastroenteritis this week, I found little time and energy to work on lace. Instead I cast on another top for my dd. This was a very quick knit mostly because of the aran weight yarn (Rowan All Season Cotton) on 5 mm needles. I'm proud of the fact that I managed to knit it with the two balls of yarn that I had. I used up nearly all of the 196 yards. The pattern is my own and it is size four year so my daughter can have a couple of years wear out of it, inshaAllah.

All in all, it was great fun and now that we seem to be on the mend, I hope to resume work on my stole.


  1. Sorry to hear you have had a gastro bug, they are horrid and exhausting. You wee daughter is beautiful and your work lovely.

  2. That is a fantastic color! It will be good to get a few years of wear out of it...but she is looking so tall already!
