
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Coatimundi KAL

This is the name of the great spring KAL about to start on March 15th. My friend Shells and I plan to knit a coat, sylvi and a stole during this. She blogs about the name of KAL and her warming up progress, here.
I did a bit of warming up myself over the last two days and managed to do quite a bit doen on the stole. This is my first big lace project and I am enjoying it already. This could easily get addictive.
As for sylvi, I started with the back simply because I could not wait to get to the fun part, :)
So, you see, this KAL has a lot of variety and promises to be so much fun, inshaAllah!


  1. Wow! Your lace looks fantastic already! You seem to be having very little trouble with it thus far. I like the coat color too. I am eager to get started even though I've committed to my socks for the next couple days. I figure it will just make our KAL all the more sweet and exciting.

  2. That coat will be quite a project--I love it. And I like your color choice a lot. The lace is very pretty and the yarn is especially nice. I look forward to more close-up views.

  3. What a great KAL with your friend.Lovely patterns ans so many houres of knitting.
    Good luck
