
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The First Felt

My husband got a PSP (playstation portable) recently and I immediately offered to make a cozy for it. Apparently, DH was thinking of a safe way to carry it with him, so surprizingly enought, he accepted. While, nomally he is not thrilled with knitted items for himself.
After a great deal of pondering and looking around at patterns, I finally decided this simple, felted cozy would be best. I made many modifications.
I started out with full intention of following the pattern but had no 6.50 mm DPNs. So, instead,I worked on straight. Also, altered the number of sts and length to adapt to DH’s PSP:
I cast on 28 sts.
Row 1: (k1, sl 1 st purlwise) repeat to the end.
Repeat this row until the piece measures 11 inches.
Next row:( k1, sl next st onto a spare needle, k next st, pass the 1st st over this st)repeat to the end.
In this way, half the sts are BO. On the remaining sts, work in st st for 5 inches. BO and weave in end. No seams to sew and ready to felt.
The yarn I used was Araucania Magallanes. I really liked this yarn. This cozy used up only a small amount, maybe 50 yards. I still have the remaining skein. So maybe I can make a bag or something out of it.
Being done with the knitting, I went looking for a good felting tutorial. Then equiped with the necessary information, I went on to try for myself. And it worked. It is quite simple really. And fun!
The great thing is that the cozy turned out exactly right sizewise and more than that, DH was very pleased with it. I also lined it witha cotton fabric, to protect the PSP from any wayward wool fiber, LOL.


  1. Wow, excellent job!!! And, since hubby liked it, even better!!!!

  2. I love how the colors just all blended together. Nice work!

  3. Your yarn felted beautifully! I love the colours and the way they blend in the felted fabric. It's lovely when we can find and make something our favorite men like and will use! I'm sure your husband is very pleased with his 'cosy'. :) Hi from Canada! samm

  4. I always thought the hard part of felting was getting just the right fit. You did that very well, and the color is perfect very manly looking.

  5. You should make and sell. Great job. You are very talented.
