
Monday, February 2, 2009

Fair-Isle Yoke Sweater

It took me about a month to knit up the sleeves but that was basically because I put this project on hold to work on some others. However, I picked it up again yesterday and it's done now. And my son was more than happy to pose for it. He even picked out his favorite photo.

It is a bit big for him right now, but that was intended as he is going to wear this next winter, inshaAllah.


  1. He looks great! By next year he will even fill out the shoulders more I bet. (Or inshaAllah).

  2. Beautiful. I love this sweater. Your little boy looks good in these colors. Good idea making it to big so he can wear next winter.

  3. Great sweater! Your young man is quite handsome!!

  4. What a handsome young man! Your work is truly stunning, Umme! :)

  5. waw your son is so cute macha ALLAH and the sweat fits him so good
    you're doing a good work
    let us see another photo next winter inch'ALLAH

  6. He's looking great is that sweater; it's beautiful. The colourcombination is stunning.
    He wears it proud!

  7. It's wonderful that he is so proud of the things that you make for him. Beautiful job.

  8. What a delightful child and knitwear.

  9. Salaam, Sister! MashaALLAH that is wonderful. He's getting taller, mashaALLAH! Take care, Nakia.
