
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Dyeing Adventure

Some months ago, I happened to find some discontinued undyed wool yarn at a local yarn shop. As wool is not available here any more, I got it with the idea of dyeing it myself.

I did just that last month. I used KoolAid to dye a full sweater worth. My first choice of color was a medium yellow but I did not have enough of that color sachets, so I chose red instead. I used all the red KoolAid and some blue and orange on top to get this shade. I tried some sprinkling for a little variegated effect.

I have already started with the sweater which is to be Tangled Yoke Cardigan. Again the color is hard to capture in indoor light but with the days being short, by the time I get around to shooting pics, its usually dark outside.

I ran into some trouble with the waist decreases but it was resolved, Alhamdollilah. However I have taken a couple of days break from this project to start a pair of fingerless gloves for mysef.


  1. I saw the yarn on your project page and was drooling over it. I had no idea you made it yourself! I am looking forward to seeing this one. My cardi is also taking a little break because I wore it out over the weekend. Perhaps I'll work on it again on Thursday or so.

  2. Wow, that is a great color! I had not tried dying my own yarn yet. but, I can't get Kool-Aid here either.
