
Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Blast

About three hours ago, we were relaxing after the iftar and maghrib prayers when we felt a deep thundering blast. My husband went out to have a look while I turned on the TV. Sure enough, it was on the news within few minutes. The Mariott hotel were the explosion ocurred is about 9-10 kms from our house and we could feel the impact there. The casuality count is still rising and we can hear the ambulances.

Our feelings: ????? ..Maybe we are numb..


  1. That is terrible. Please stay safe.

  2. When I saw the news I thought of you and your family and hoped you were all safe and far away from the explosion. You are closer that I knew, and I am relieved to hear that you are all safe.

  3. Alhamdulillah, that you and your family are safe. I have a lot of friends out there and keeping them all in my prayers. Stay safe. It is so sad that there is so much pain and suffering .

  4. You were the first person I thought about when I saw it on the news. Please just lay low for a while. I'm so glad you and your family are safe. Please stay that way.

  5. Hello, my name is Debbie and I live in the United States. I pray that things have calmed down a little bit for you and your family. Your country, unfortunately, has been in the news quite a bit lately.

    I was initially going to thank you for one of your knitting patterns and how amazing Ravelry is. It is connecting knitter's worldwide. That a woman, during Ramandan, no less, in Pakistan finishes and publishes a pattern and I find it within days. Maybe knitter's can do what our leaders fail to do and bring us all together. Naive, yes...but it is something worth striving and praying for. God bless and I hope this message finds you well.

  6. I am so sorry that we are living in a world of such unrest that my friend across the oceans cannot have peace during this time of year. And that I cannot turn on the news and not worry about her and her family. I hope that we get to see better times in our lifetime, God willing.

  7. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  8. I am relieved to know you are safe!!

  9. I hadn't visited your blog in awhile and came to look at the dishes and clothing you posted for Eid, and I saw this. I tend to isolate myself from world news because of all the tragedy and unrest, and then I see that it touches someone who I am coming to think of as friend! I am so relieved that your family is unharmed. It must have been so frightening! My good thoughts go with you and your family *HUG*

  10. I know this post is long overdue but we've been traveling. When I first heard of the explosion, you and your family came immediately to mind. I wasn't near a computer, so I've waited until I'm home again to visit your blog. It is so good to know that you are all safe. My prayers are with you and those near you that you will continue to be safe.
