
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ravelympics Project # 1: Baby's Sheep Yoke Cardigan

My first Baby Dressage project for the ravelympics is finally done. It took longer than I would have liked but it did require a lot of finishing e.g. weaving in ends, doing duplicate stitch sheep's heads and legs and buttons. This was my first top down cardigan.
The pattern was well written and fun. I did the sleeves in rounds to avoid seams. The yarn was all leftover acrylic DK, the main color being the same as my last project, Joined cable cardigan for my son. Using DK with 3.75 mm needles gave me a 2- years size, so it will nicely fit my daughter. She is having her nap right now so she could not model the sweater.
Now I have to rush with my next ravelympics projects as these are for my cousins' baby son, who is having his Aqeeqah on Thursday.(Aqeeqah is the tradtional Islamic way of celebrating a baby's arrival with the sacrifice of one or two goats/sheep and inviting the relatives and poor to dine on food made with the meat). I am hoping to have the projects finished by that time (though it is a long shot) so I can gift those to the new mom on the occassion.


  1. Wow - your fingers must have been flying! Very nice cardigan, as usual you did an amazing job!

  2. That was fast! It's a great pattern, and I'm sure she's going to look lovely in it. I remember the days of naps. . . sigh. Good luck on #2.

  3. What a lovely cardigan! You are a very fast knitter, and I won't be surprised if your next gift is ready in time for the celebration :)
    Will look forward to seeing it in a blog post!

  4. It came out really well and I'm sure your sister will love whatever your next project is.

    I never do color work because the quickly accumulating stitches needing to be weaved in make my nerves bad.

  5. So cute! And so fast!

  6. Very nice to see you are also knitting during the OS.What a fresh little cardigan you have made.
    Have a creative time.

  7. Hé, Umme, you've knitted this beautiful cardigan too. It looks great! (my friend has knit it too)
    It's sooooo lovely. Well done.
