
Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Blog Turns One Today!

Today is my blog's first blogoversary. In this one year this blog has become a regular part of my routine I have tremendously enjoyed the experience. At this momentous (LOL) occassion, I thought I should celebrate by a summary of some of the blog stats:
Total Blog Posts: 81
Total no. of Visitors: > 99,ooo
Comments: 209
No. of FOs posted during the year: 37
No. of free Patterns: 16
Also, the deadline for my blogoversary contest is tonight at 6+ GMT (about four hrs from now). I will draw and announce the winner tomorrow, inshallah.


  1. Congrats on your blog turning the big ONE, I so love blogging. I was amazed at how many people come and read me blahing a long lol. Keep up the great work.:)

  2. Congratulations! Way to go...I enjoy reading your blog and love your patterns too.
