
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Paint Me A Sweater

The poncho sweater for my daughter is all done. I omitted the leaf-edged I-cord, simply because I did not feel like working on it any more. I don't love the color but my daughter is happy with it. The pattern was easy and simple to follow, the long rounds of st st did seem too tedious at times.

I think I will have a break from knitting till after Eid, when I hope to start a few little projects. In the meanwhile, I have a small embroidery project and my Quran reading for the month of Ramadan to finish.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ramadan Mubarak

We, in Pakistan, have our first fast tomorrow. May Allah make this blessed month beneficial for us all!

As for my month-long absence from this blog, I was slightly under the weather. Intense heat, coupled with load-shedding and the resulting water shortages, made for a very harsh June. That seemed to sap all our energy and all we could do was wait and pray for some relief in the form of rain. We did have a premonsoon
rain spell bring some relief and now that we have had some monsoon as well, the weather has become so much pleasanter. Hopefully, it can last through the rest of summer.
This week, I have finally taken up my knitting needles again and cast on a sweater for my older daughter. I am not sure about the color my my daughter seems OK with it, so I am going ahead with it.