
Saturday, February 26, 2011

DROPS Cabled Jumpsuit and Basque Hat

Here goes the first set for the baby. It is a DROPS pattern, which was a bit hard to decipher, leading to small bursts of frogging. Especially the part where the cables start, the stitch count seemed off and I had to work it out on my own. Other than that, it was a quick knit and seems to be well-sized. I knit it in 6/9 months size. The hat is the one modeled with the jumpsuit, though it does not exactly match, with no cables and all garter st. It turned out a bit too large, a toddler size. I have tried to fix it by running a couple of rows of elastic sewing thread through the head band. The yarn is Bally DK, our good local acrylic.
  Next up is a baby sweater, another DROPS design and thankfully, it has been a breeze to knit so far. Hope to post the FO during the next week, inshaAllah.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Cable Pullover With Shawl Collar

 Thank you all for your well wishes.
 Before continuing with my baby knitting, I had to complete this sweater I had started for my son in January. It was neglected quite a bit, while I worked on the baby blanket. I took it up again last week and finally it is done and donned.
 The pattern is my own and the yarn, our local acrylic (which is quite nice and excellent for kids' knits). I had wanted to knit a shawl collar for a long time and this project seemed perfect to try it out. I am quite pleased with how it turned out. The sleeves are quite a bit long, partly due to it being a size 8 on a seven year old and partly due to my inadvertently adding an inch to the size 8 length. But he will grow into it by the next winter, inshaAllah,  for which the pullover is intended.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Shetland Baby Blanket/Shawl

 This project has been the cause of my recent absence. It took about three weeks of totally monogamous and dedicated knitting. We are expecting a baby in summer, inshaAllah. This blanket marks the official start to my baby knitting. I also plan to do a bit of sewing.
Coming back to the FO, the pattern is a vintage Shetland shawl pattern, rewritten and made available free. (edited 2016:  It is no longer available for free). I first stumbled on the Danish translation of the pattern whose ravelry  page has some gorgeous FOs).
 I used Knit Picks Palette (white) and 4 mm needles. I modified it to knit it in round (except for the edging). The details are on my ravelry project page.This omitted most of the seaming but called for very long rows/rounds. It did get a bit tedious in the end with the edging, though thankfully it was easy to memorize. Now that the blanket is done, I am again in love with it. It blocks out to a large size of 130 x130 cm, which is good, seeing how we will have the baby grown a bit, inshaAllah, by the time winter arrives.