
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Rose Sachet

I have had a quirky wish to make one of these for a long time. The pattern(rav link) was a free pattern for the day at AnniesAttic last year.I could not decipher the instructions regarding the flower, so it does not look much like a rose. Still, it is a pretty flower.
It was a quick and fun thing to make, one reason I love crochet. Why is it that I want to do more projects in this vein and not get back to my lace and sweater WIPs. Anyway, this one has a scented polyfill filling and is going to live in my clothes closet.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Little Hedera

Another pair of socks for my daughter. I was bored with plain stockinette st and wanted something more interesting. So I decided to adapt the hedera pattern to 40 sts. It worked out quite nicely. The yarn is Knit Picks Dancing. My daughter loves the socks.

Monday, May 17, 2010

New Fridge Handle Cover

Hoping the improve on my previous fridge handle cover, I made a new one. This one is secured in ties instead of the buttons which were on the last one. This prevents the cover from sliding down the handle.

It was a quick a simple project. First I crocheted a background piece to go around the handle, in dark green. Then I made some crochet roses ( There are many free patterns out there) and sewed then onto the background. Then I made a few leaves in different shades of green and incorporated them along the length of a chain stem. This stem serves to tie up the cover with very nice results.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Fan Bookmarks

This was a fun and quick project to do during a busy weekend. And it is crochet. Here is to hoping these will spur my reading.

Friday, May 7, 2010


My kids had started noticing and commenting on the fact that I hadn't done a project for them for a while. They find it most weird and unusual that I would want to knit something for myself. So, they guilted me into knitting up these:

A zozo is easy to knit up though it has a lot of I-cord knitting and ends to weaves. But result is totally worth it:

My son is now planning a full alien invasion with further addtions to the brood. While he is busy coming up with modifications in Zozo's body parts and colors, I am going to catch up on my regular knitting.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Vanilla Socks

Lately, I have had an urge to work on small, quick projects. Instant gratification seems to be the order of the day. The first quick project is a pair of socks for my daughter using left over yarn from my last year's monkeys. Plain stockinette st can be so much fun in small doses!

I have a few more small projects, including socks planned for the coming weeks, inshaAllah.