
Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Here it is, all done. It was a wonderfully pleasant knitting experience. It had quite a bit of finishing detail including crocheted button covers, which took me nearly two days after all the knitting was done.

The pattern is nicely written and all, but I did a few modifications to satisfy my whims. I knitted body pieces together, added 2 inches to the body length, and put on seven buttons to accommodate for increased length and to prevent gaping (which has been an issue for some of the knitters). If I were to knit it again, I would make the sleeves an inch shorter. But as I kind of prefer long sleeves, I am happy with these too.
The yarn is Knit Picks Wool of Andes in Fairy Tale color. (It is a bit darker than as came out in the photo).
It has turned out beautiful and I think it is going to be the favorite cardigan in my wardrobe. wear.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dusting Off My Spindle

Yesterday, I took out my drop spindle after so many months and gave spinning a try. I already had some black roving on it, so I am planning to continue with that.
As for the Kelmscott, the body pieces are being blocked and I hope to finish the sleeves today, inshaAllah. Then only collar will be left. So it should be done in the next few days.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Little One Goes to School

Our baby started school (preschool) recently, MashaAllah!. She had been so pumped up at the prospect of starting school, she had no trouble staying a few hours away from home and Amma, Alhamdolillah.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Kelmscott KAL Progress

I have been sadly remiss in updating the blog for the last on week. One reason being, my not having any obvious progress to report on the KAL. That is the downside of starting fronts and back together, it takes ages to get done. However I am happy to report that I am past the armholes and have bound off right front too!

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year, New KAL

Coincident with the new year, Shells and I have started a Kelmscott KAL. It is such a gorgeous design. Three days into the KAL, I have managed about seven inches while Shells has bund off the back and started a sleeve. I am knitting back and the fronts together, so it is a nice mix of reverse st st and the lace pattern charted on every row(RS as well as WS). My yarn is Knit Picks Wool of Andes Fairytale.