
Friday, January 30, 2009

February Girlie Top

I wanted to do a quick project and I had this one ball of Sirdar Spree, so the idea of a top for my daughter was born. For the lace part, I finally decided on the gull lace pattern (originally used in February baby sweater, I believe and more recently in Feb lady's sweater, which I also knitted a few months back). Hence, I nmaed the top February Girlie top. Although, it is winter right now, weather can turn quite warm here in Pakistan and quite soon too. So, DD should be wearing this in two to three months, inshaAllah.


· Sirdar Spree Cotton Rich Chunky 100gm ball(149 yards/136 m) 1, 2, 2 balls
· 2 stitch markers.
· Knitting needles 6.50 mm.
· A crochet hook for the cast on.
· Buttons…4 larger (2 cm diameter approx) for the strap and 4-5 small ones (1.25 cm diameter approx) for the back band.

12 sts x 20 rows = 4 inches in garter st.
To fit chest sizes 18, (20, 22) inches.

Abbreviations and Pattern:
Yo: yarn over
K2tog: knit 2 together
Ssk: sl 1 st knitwise, k the next st, pass the slipped st over.
Gull Lace Pattern: worked over 7 sts and 4 rows:
Row1: k1, k2tog, yo, k1,yo, ssk,k1, repeat across.
Row 2and 4: purl.
Row 3: k2tog, yo, k3,yo,ssk, repeat across.

With crochet cast-on, CO 56 (62,68) sts. Work 4 (4,6) rows in garter st,
Next row (RS): Cast off first 14 (15,17) sts, k to end.
Next row (WS): Cast off first 14 (15,17) sts, k to end. [28 (32, 34) sts]
Next row (RS): K1, k2tog, k to last 3 sts, ssk, k the last st.
Next row (WS): k all.
Repeat the last 2 rows another 5 (6,6) more times. [16(18,20) sts remain]
Next row (RS): K1 (yo, k2tog) rep till 1 st remains, k1.
Next row (WS): K.
Cast off all sts.
Lace Portion:
RS facing, carefully unravel the crochet cast-on and get live sts on the needle, starting from right end to the left.
Next row (WS): k all, increasing 1 (2,3) sts evenly spaced across the row. [57 (64, 71)sts]
Next row (RS): K 5, (yo, k2tog) rep till the last 4 sts, k4.
Next row (WS): K 4, PM, K 49 (56,63), PM, k4.
Start working the gull lace pattern, working the first and last 4 sts on each row in garter st.
Work 10 (11,12) repeats of the lace pattern or until the top measures the desired lenth (I made in on the longer side).
Next, work 8 rows in garter st, cast off.

With the RS facing, and the piece held upright, join yarn along the upper edge, 7 sts in from the right centre back, pick up and knit 5 sts. Work in garter st till the strap measures 7 (7.5, 8 ) inches. (The strap will stretch quite a bit).
Repeat on the other side for the second strap.

Weave in ends. Sew the buttons along the right back band and two larger buttons each on each strap –for 2 adjustable strap positions. (No buttonholes were made because with the thick yarn and large needles, it is east to create a buttonhole between yarn loop as such, standard buttonhole would be too large anyway.) Block.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Breath of Spring Doily

I managed to finish and block the doily today. The pattern is from an old magazine I got at a local old bookshop. It called for size 40 thread but I used much thicker thread, my guess would be size 10 or 8. So, it turned out much larger than I expected and now it won't fit the table I intended it for. But, it is still gorgeous anyway and I will make it fit somewhere. One idea I have is of using as an applique over a bedsheet . I'm open to other suggestions as well :)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Monkey Progress And More

As I promised in the previous post, here is my monkey-in-progress after six pattern repeats. Now that I've started this, I know why this pattern is so popular and highly recommended. It is fun and exciting and yet simple and easy to memorize. I am thoroughly enjoying this pair of socks!

I had been missing crochet for a while so I started a doily. And I am enjoying this one immensely too! No wonder I can't make up my mind, which one to work on first. :)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Socks for My Husband

Finally I finished them today. I had started these several months ago. Tried various patterns but nothing seemed to work in this dark stripey yarn. So, I decided to keep them simple, which was a bit boring too. However, with the current illness I have had, I could not find strength to knit anything else and the the pair was finally done.

Next I am hoping to start a piar of Monkey for me. I will post pictures when some repeats are done.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Central Park Hoodie Sans The Hood

After a brief interruption caused by a quite painful and febrile tonsillitis, I finally managed to finish my central park hoodie. However, I did not knit the hood. Instead I picked the same number of sts across the front for the neckband, as recommended for the hoodie but decreased 8 sts across the back. The rest of the cardigan fairly conforms to the original pattern. The yarn was the finest acrylic available here in Pakistan but had no label.

I still have two more WIPs to finish plus I want to start sylvi as well as a pair of socks this month, inshaAllah. Then I'll muster up the courage to take up a lace project. Oh, and I'm also considering some felting and steeking on the side. Last but not the least, I have spun 1/4 of the roving that I got from my friend, I hope to spin more of it soon.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Look What I Got !!

I got a box full of yarn from a friend the other day. I knew it was coming but what I did not know was that there would be so many gorgeous, yummy yarns and that two other friends at the Sporum Forum(Ravelry) would be pitching in. They knew I could not get lace yarns here and sent me some. Knit Picks Shadow in two gorgeous colors:

Knit Picks Shimmer:

And as if that was not enough, a wonderful hank of Lorna's laces' Helen's lace multi:

So, I guess I will be casting on some lace projects this year, inshaAlla!.
But wait, there is more. Wollmeise sockenwolle 100% (Vergimeinnicht):

Plus, there was some alpaca roving as well, which I have already started on.
I feel so privilged to have such wonderful friends. Thank you!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Match-Box Craft

In the midst of my three WIPs, I managed to work on something different :) I have been collecting match boxes for a couple of months for this purpose:) (weird and silly, I know).

When I finally had enough, I turned them into this.

The matchboxes were glued together. Then I wrapped quilting foam over the bed board to serve as matress. Sewed over the cover and also sewed a quilt. I knitted the covers for head and footends.

And the rug which is crocheted, of-course.

I told the kids they could play with it but not just yet :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Deep Grief and Anguish

I want to take some time and a blog post away from my usual knitting and crochet pursuits to express my deep grief over the plight of the people of Gaza under the barbaric Israeli attack. The two-faced world powers, puppet Muslim/Arab leaders and the dysfunctional UN have never been more exposed. Also it is a time of great trial for muslims all over the world. What can we do to help our brothers and sisters?
I found this: Gaza In Need
Is not He (better than your gods) Who responds to the distressed one, when he calls Him, and Who removes the evil, and makes you the inheritors of the earth, generation after generation. is there any god with Allah? Little is that you remember! [27:62]

Saturday, January 3, 2009

CPH Progress

At the end of the second day of the KAL, I managed to do the back armhole decreases. I hope to work on it over the weekend, inshaAllah, but not exclusively. Maybe I can manage enough knitting time to complete the first sleeve on my son's sweater and start the second one.