
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Taking some time off

As I probably mentioned in some previous post, I have some important affairs to attend to here at home which require my complete and undivided attention. So to keep my priorities straight, I have decided to throw in my hat, that is, lock up my yarn cupboard and keep off from any projects for the time being. So, though I might keep on visiting the net for a breather or two, You won't see any action from me on the craft front for the next THREE MONTHS. Hope you all are still here when I come back, inshallah (means, God willing). Best wishes for all!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Andoa, the cardigan version

Whew, at last I have finished the cardigan for my dh. The pattern was pullover Andoa but I modified it into a cardigan. It has turned out very nice and dh seems actually willing to wear this one. My previous two sweaters for him did not have such luck (I messed up the measurements with those two). This was my biggest project this season and atleast I was able to finish it while it is cold enough to wear it.

Cara asked me about the design for my mohawk hat.I just made it up along the way (winged it as the slang goes) and did not write out a pattern. However there a qiute a few similar-looking hats on the net. You can crochet any of these and add a mohawk fringe.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Peach Blossoms

When I bought this yarn to make a sweater for my daughter, I thought of flowers,blossoms to be exact. Also I thought of a turtle neck and a scalloped border to dres it up a little. So that's how I started and came up with this. It has blossoms all over the front with a plain back and sleeves and a turtle neck with back opening which makes changing of clothes easier. I have also made a matching cap to round off the outfit. I am really happy the way it turned out and so I decided to share the pattern. My only advice, read carefully through the pattern first. Notify me about mistakes if any. (I will try to get a better pic tomorrow)

· Bambino DK 5-ply yarn (100 gm+300 meters/ ball) 2 balls or any yarn that gets the correct gauge
· Knitting needles size 3.50 mm and 4.00 mm
· Tapestry needle
· Matching buttons 3

Size: 2-3 years

Finished measurements: chest 24 inches Length 15 inches

Gauge: 10 sts x 14 rows = 2 inches in st st with 4.00mm needles

Special abbreviations:
C2BP: Sl next st to cable needle and leave at back of work; k1 then p1 from cn.
C2FP: Sl next st to cable needle and leave in front of work; p1 then k1 from cn.
Bobble: work 4 sts (k,p,k,p)into this st,turn and knit one row on these 4 sts, turn and k4tog.

Blossoms pattern: worked on multiples of( 7+7)sts.
Row 1(RS): P2, k3, p9.
Row 2(WS): work as set.
Row 3: P1, C2BP, k1, C2FP, P8.
Row 4: work as set.
Row 5: C2BP, p1, k1,p1,C2FP,p7.
Row 6:work as set.
Row 7:Bobble,p2,k1,p2,Bobble,p7.
Row 8:k10,p1,k3.
Row 9: P3,bobble,p10.
Row 10: K
Row 11: P
Row 12: K
Row 13: P9, k3, p2.
Row 14: work as set.
Row 15: P8, C2BP, k1, C2FP, P1.
Row 16: work as set.
Row 17: P7, C2BP, p1, k1,p1,C2FP.
Row 18: work as set.
Row 19: P7, Bobble,p2,k1,p2,Bobble.
Row 20:K3,p1,k10.
Row 21:P3, Bobble, p10.
Row 22: K
Row 23: P
Row 24: K
These 24 rows form the pattern.


With 4.00 mm needles cast on 68 sts.
Row 1(WS): knit.
Row 2(RS): *K2tog,inc 1 st in the next st, k2,increase 1 st in next st , k2tog*, repeat from * to * till 4 st remains,k2tog, inc 1 st in tht next st, k1.
Repeat rows 1 and 2 twice. These six rows form the rib.
Now work in st st, starting with a P row, at the same time decreasing one st at both ends of every 14th row, 4 times.(60 sts) Work a total of 69 rows or until the piece measures 10 inches from the beginning.
Continuing to work in st st, cast of 2 sts at the beginning of next 2 rows, then cast off 1 st at the beg of next 4 rows.(52 sts) Work even for a total of 82 rows in st st, ending with a K row.
Next row( divide for the button band):
P 25, put these sts on a needle holder, bind off next 2 sts, P to the end.
Working on the last 25 sts, continue to work in st st till the back measures 15 inches from the beginning. Bind off.
Now transfer the s5 sts from the needle holder, join yarn and knit equal number of rows in st st on this side as well. Bind off.

With 4.00 mm needles cast on 68 sts.
Row 1(WS): knit.
Row 2(RS): *K2tog,inc 1 st in the next st, k2,increase 1 st in next st , k2tog*, repeat from * to * till 4 st remains,k2tog, inc 1 st in the next st, k1.
Repeat rows 1 and 2 twice. These six rows form the rib.
From the next row, start working in the Blossoms pattern as follows:
Row 1: P3, work row 1 of the pattern(4 +1/2 times) until 2 sts remain, p2.
Row 2 : work as set.
Row 3: P3, work row 3 of the pattern(4 +1/2 times) until 2 sts remain, p2.
And so on. Continue working in this manner for 72 rows, AT THE SAME TIME, decrease 1 st at both ends of every 14th row, 4 times(60 sts)
Shape armholes:
Bind off 2 sts in the beg of next 2 rows while continuing to work in pattern as set and then decrease 1 st at the beg of next 4 rows.(52 sts)
Work further 6 rows in pattern.
Next row: P4, k3, p11,k3,p4,k2,p5,k3,p11,k3,p3.
Next row: K3,p3,k11,p3,k4,p4,k3,p3,k11,p3,k4.
Next row: P3, C2BP, k1, C2FP, P9, C2BP,k1,C2FP,p1,k6,p2, C2BP, k1, C2FP, P9, C2BP,k1,C2FP,p2.
Next row: K2, (p1, k1) twice, p1,k9, (p1,k1) twice, p1, k1, p8, (p1,k1) twice, p1, k9, (p1,k1) twice, p1, k3.
Next row:P2, C2BP, p1, k1, p1, C2FP, P7, C2BP, p1, k1, p1, k10, p2, k1, p1, C2FP, p7, C2BP, p1, k1,p1, C2FP,p1.
Next row: K1, p1, (k2, p1) twice, k7, p1, k2, p1, k1, p13, k2, p1 , k7, p1, (k2,p1) twice, k2.
Next row: P2, Bobble, p2,k1,p2,Bobble, p7, Bobble,p2, k15, p2, Bobble, p7,Bobble, p2, k1, p2, Bobble, p1.
Next row: K4, p1, k12, p17, K12, p1, k5.
Next row: P5, Bobble, p11, k19 , p11, Bobble, p4.
Next row: K15, p21, k16.
Shape neck:
Next row: P15, K8, put the next 6 sts on a holding needle, turn and work on the first 23 st:
Next row (WS): P9,k14.
Next row: p13, k10.
Next row: P2tog, p9, k12.
Next row: P11, k11.
Next row: P2tog, p10, k10.
Next row: p9, k12.
Next row: P2tog, p11, k8.
Next row: p 7, k13.
Next row: P2tog, p12, k6.
Next row: k5, p14.
Next row: P2tog, p13, k4.
Next row: k3, k15.
Next row: k16, p2.
Next row: K1, p17.
Next row: k18.
Continue in st st until piece equals back in length, bind off.
Join yarn and knit the other side of neck, reversing the shaping and pattern.

Sleeves ( make 2):
With 4.00 mm needles cast on 34 sts.
Row 1(WS): knit.
Row 2(RS): K1,*K2tog,inc 1 st in the next st, k2,increase 1 st in next st , k2tog*, repeat from * to * till 1 st remains, k 1.
Now work in st st, starting with a P row, at the same time increasing one st at both ends of every 6th row,12 times.(58 sts) Work a total of 79 rows. Bind off.

Finishing: Sew the shoulder seams.
Turtle neck: With the right side facing and smaller needles, join yarn and pick up and k 8 sts across the left side of neck at back and 14 sts across the left neck front, pick and knit 6 sts from the holding needle, 14 sts across the right neck front and 8 across the right back.(50 sts) Work in k1,p1 for 25 rows. Bind off loosely in rib.

Button bands: Fold the ribbed turtle neck outwards into half and pin in place.
Right button band: Join yarn and with RS facing and smaller needles, pick up and k 30 sts evenly spaced over the folded edge of the turtle neck and the right button edge at back. Knit in k1,p1 rib for 3 rows, bind off in rib.
Left buttonhole band: Join yarn and with RS facing and smaller needles, pick up and k 30 sts evenly spaced over the folded edge of the turtle neck and the left button edge at back. Work 1 row in rib. On second row make 3 buttonholes evenly spaced (yo, k2tog). Work another row and then cast off in rib.
Sew the side and sleeves seams and sew on the buttons.

With 3.50 mm needles, cast on 98 sts. Work 8 rows in k1,p1 rib.
Next row: Change to larger needles, K all.
Next row: P.
Next row: K 3,*p1, k6* repeat from *to* till 4 sts remain, p1, k3.
Next row: P2, *k3, p4, repeat from *to* till 5 sts remain, k3, p2.
Next row: K 1,*p5, k2* repeat from *to* till 6 sts remain, p5, k1.
Next row: K.
Work first 12 rows of the blossoms pattern next. Then work in st st for 10 rows ending with a WS row.
Row 1: (P14, p2tog)repeat to the end.
Row 2 and all WS rows: K
Row 3: (P13, p2tog)repeat to the end
Row 5: (P12, p2tog)repeat to the end
Row 7: (P11, p2tog)repeat to the end
Row 9: (P10, p2tog)repeat to the end
Row 11: (P9, p2tog) repeat to the end.
Row 13: (P8, p2tog) repeat to the end.
Row 15: (P7, p2tog) repeat to the end.
Row 17: (P6, p2tog) repeat to the end.
Row 19: (P5, p2tog) repeat to the end.
Row 21: (P4, p2tog) repeat to the end.
Row 23: (P3, p2tog) repeat to the end.
Row 25: (P2, p2tog) repeat to the end.
Row 27: (P1, p2tog) repeat to the end.
Row 28: K2tog, across(7 sts).
Cut of yarn, leaving a sizable length and thread it through a needle. Thread the needle through all the sts, pull and secure tightly. Sew up the seam.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

RAOK Rocks!

I feel like Cinderella right now. That is because I have been sent a lovely package consisting of yarn and crochet supplies by my fair godmother through Crochetville's Random Acts of Kindness. All my wishes (in that wishlist) came true.

I have literally been jumping with joy. I had posted that wishlist few months back and thought it unlikely that someone would RAOK me at such a far off overseas place. But thank you Jennifer! you made my day ( read my year). All the things are superb and really what i had always wished for. Crochet supplies are very hard to come by. I love the crochet hook set. I have wanted one for so long. That and the stitch markers and the buttons(so many and so cute!!) and the handles. It's all so great. And the Yarn....I really really love it. I hope to put it to great use, inshallah. She has been so generous and kind. I'm overwhelmed.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Another bookmark

I tried out another bookmark yesterday. It's ok though I do not like it much.

Almost Snow

It never snows in Islamabad. But yesterday we were hit by an unusually heavy hailstorm which left the streets, terraces and rooftops carpeted with small balls of ice, a very snow-like landscape. So we were able to enjoy a "snowy" season for a few hours without heading to the nearby hillstations like Murree or Bhurbun.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

My fingerless gloves

With the temperature dropping below freezing here in Islamabad, my hands were feeling pretty cold. So, I had to find time to make a pair of fingerless gloves for myself. Here goes my first project for the new year!